Thursday, December 13, 2007

Rain and Temperature dynamics on Komodo Island

Rain and Temperature dynamics on Komodo Island
(poster presented for the Komodo National Park Tourist Information Center)

M Jeri Imansyah1,4, Achmad Ariefiandy1,4, Deni Purwandana1,4, Heru Rudiharto3 , Claudio Ciofi3,

1) Komodo Survival Program, Indonesia
2) Komodo National Park, Indonesia
3) Dept . of Animal Science, Univ. of Florence, Italy
4) Center for Conservation and Research on Endangered Species, USA
* Contact :,

We operated 5 (five) Hobo Weather Stations (Onset) to measure rainfall pattern and temperature dynamics on cloud forested Mount Ara (± 700 m asl) and coastal monsoon forested Loh Liang Valley (<>, including hill and mound nests of Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis), on Komodo island, Indonesia, from September 2003 - August 2007. Temperatures were measured with interval of 1 (one) hour and presented as daily average, while rain fall was measured based on rain events and presented as monthly total value.


> There is a difference on rainfall pattern between the top of Mount Ara and coastal of Loh Liang valley. On Mount Ara, rain fall mostly between December to April with the highest in April (203mm). In Loh Liang, rain fall mostly between January to May, with the highest in April (236mm). During 2006 rain fall on Mount Ara was 689 mm while in Loh Liang was 637 mm.

> Mount Ara was cooler than Loh Liang valley with daily average temperature on Mount Ara was ranged from 19°C to 23°C, compared to Loh Liang valley which ranged from 23°C to 30°C. Daily average temperature on Mount Ara was also less fluctuated than that in Loh Liang valley.

> During 2004-2006, annual temperature dynamic in Loh Liang valley showed a similar pattern, with the highest in November and the lowest in August. In general, 2006 daily average temperature was lower than previous years.

> The highest temperature in Loh Liang valley was 36.6oC on November 2006 during midday and the lowest was 15.6oC on August 2006 in the morning. Daily temperature dynamic inside Komodo dragons nests in Loh Liang Valley was higher than that in the environment (outside nest) temperature. Hill nest has wider temperature range (27°- 32°C) and less fluctuated compared to ground nest (28° - 31°C).

We acknowledged Tim Jessop (CRES USA / Victoria Zoos Australia) and KNP staff who has helped us during the study, especially for Matheus Ndawapunga, Alo Sahu, Ayat, and Tresna. This study was conducted with support from the Zoological Society of San Diego, American Association of Zoos and Aquariums, and the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria. Approval for research was
conducted under a MoU between the Zoological Society of San Diego and The Nature Conservancy (Indonesia Program) and the Indonesian Department of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation (PHKA).

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